WordPress Launches WordPress.com Text Message Features

WordPress made official the launch of its WordPress.com Text Messaging. Advanced and improved features are available and you can perform several diversified management tasks on your blog by means of the new and innovative 77377 (PRESS) short code. You can easily set in motion the service through Settings/Text Messaging in the admin panel, and it will enable you to accept notifications when any sort of changes are being made.

You can make possible additional protection to your blog through an SMS-enabled two-step login process, obtain new notifications and respond through text message, get new post notifications, and put out a post of 160 characters or fewer. you can upgrade this service for merely $20 per annum.

Only users in USA can benefit from this feature for the time being though the WordPress.com group are working to develop the service to make it accessible to other countries. Standart text meaasaging and data charges are applicable.

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