Google buys UK visual search engine (Plink)

Google has acquired British Visual Search Engine Plink Art. Plink is available on Google application which works on the Android base mobile platforms. Plink Art application allows the users to work on the photo and logos captured with their mobile phone. Plink Art was discovered by the two graduate students of Oxford University Mark Cummins and James Philbin.


Google plans to put both together to in order to improve the working of Google Goggles. Google Goggle is an android feature through which helps the users to click the icons of different kinds of objects and places you can search for using Google Goggles. Through Plink apps for android base mobile phones, one can make artwork from the captured photos and logos. Photo links can be forwarded to contacts and links can be followed to buy the Posters created through Google Goggles.

Few days back, Apple has introduced its own Apple iAD platform in direct competition of Google. Plink popularity is so high that it won 100.000 dollar prize from google and according to the creators of Plink that Plink attracted more than 50,000 users in its first four months. Moreover, one can measure its popularity level with Android base mobile phone. Google is trying to improve the working of Photo Search engine Google Goggles app. Therefore to build an updated new looks Google Goggle visual search engine that works not only for painting and photo covers, but for every thing you see around you.