Spotlight on Facebook User Count

Facebook fans will be happy for this…Facebook official active user count has gone beyond 250 million mark. More than 50 million users created a Facebook account in the past three months, hows that for any site!


Facebook, the social media/networking site has been accused of under-counting its users in the past. According to comScore, Facebook had 316 million unique visitors back in May. But its not sure if all them have active accounts.

Just for the record, Facebook entertained 150 million users worlwide back in January 2009 and now we see  a 100 million more users in just over a six months.

At this rate, it is not very long that Facebook reaches a billion active user mark and actually give a tough competition to Twitter and other social media/networking sites.

The video below maps how Facebook users are distributed world over.

One Reply to “Spotlight on Facebook User Count”

  1. Facebook is one of the best site of social media networking, I love to work on that site and making new friends. Facebook makes a tough competition to Twitter and other social media/networking sites.

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