Google the search engine Gaint always make big news whether it is about its Google smartphones or Gingerbread. We are all following the Google news like shadows. Let’s check out what the latest Google inside buzz has to say this time.

Google Gingerbread on Nexus One Coming Soon
ead-rolling-out-for-nexus-one/”>Google Nexus was recently reported saying that “The Gingerbread OTA for Nexus One will happen in the coming weeks. Just hang tight!” This latest Google buzz ensures that the latest Android 2.3 will be at our disposal for all of our high-tech Google mobile phones, sometime real soon. And if you own a Google smartphone you would not be needing a PC to download this latest Android 2.3. Google has made it an OTA this time. Smart!
Google, as it appears, has finally decided to make the final official Gingerbread ROM, based on AOSP source-code, public. With this cutting edge technology, Google seems to be preparing for a hard fight against the custom ROMs that are commonly available. A little wait and you will get your hand on this latest Google feast. Stay tuned!