When somebody talks to me about the Nokia phone then I always mention him that I’m not a really big fan of Nokia and the main reason for this is that I don’t like their OS.But I agree that their hardware is one of the better hardware available in the market.And now guys from dailymobile has shared a video showing latest Android OS Gingerbread running on Nokia N900.

Android 2.3.1 Gingerbread running on Nokia N900
2/27/httpwww-facebook-comnotesblogsdnahow-to-convert-tethered-ios-421-jailbreak-to-untethered-jailbreak-on-iphone-4-ip182556601762116/nokia-n900-android/”>The demos of Android running on different Nokia sets are on the internet from past year and it didnt took hackers lot much time to run Gingerbread on latest Nokia phone.The video shows that Android is working very smoothly on N900.
This is an amazing combination and really I like Android on his handset rather then Symbian OS which I found it to be little bit lame.Well may be we can hope some day that Nokia may launch their official Android Phone.
yep, I want to try it