One of the unique features in iPhone 4 is its front facing camera because o which its users can make FaceTime calls and then Apple introduces FaceTime calling in iPod touch 4G and after that Mac also got the FaceTime calling features. All these devices have front facing camera for making calls so what if you want to do FaceTime with your iPhone 3GS.Well those who are using jailbroken iPhone 3GS they have an app soon for making FaceTime call with iPhone cheap cigarettes online

FaceTime for Jailbroken iPhone 3GS will come soon
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These are the same guys who brought FaceTime on unsupported iPhone 4s in Middle East countries. This app would be called “FaceIt-3G” and it will enable iPhone 4-only FaceTime calls for iPhone 3GS with iOS 4.1 in it.The team at is currently giving a final touch to the app with that are working on the remaining bugs.We will update you whenever this marvelous app will be available for download.You can check out in the video below how this app works.