Reports are out suggesting that Apple is testing voicemail which have been transcribed by Siri. The program which is dubbed iCloud Voicemail will use Siri to answer calls and transcribe messages. Though users are supposed to wait until later on next year before they can start enjoying this program, iCloud Voicemail is certainly going to intrigue users especially when you consider the fact that today, people are not so much into voicemails. The use of voicemails as a form of communication is slowly fading away. But with these kinds of innovations, voicemail is certainly going to remain alive.

This extremely clever and simple program is currently being tested by Cupertino employees and will be released upon the launching of the iOS 10. With iCloud Voicemail, you will not find the need to constantly listen to your voicemails because the system completely eliminates this need. Users are only left with the option of relying on Siri to answer a call. The program allows Siri to answer your calls and give reasons for you not being able to pick up.
Siri has already received an update with the coming iOS 9 which is slated to the released this fall but you can still expect a lot more to come from Siri. Today, Siri is able to respond to natural language queries going to show you just how far the digital assistant has come. Last year alone, Siri was able to register a 40% reduction in word error rate.