The latest version of android is out in the town but the only device officially running the system is Nexus S. It's because rest of the companies have to test and make sure that the android's new version works perfectly with their devices. Well, thats what the companies are doing but whose going to stop the other developers ? Nobody, thats who.

Samsung Galaxy S receives Gingerbread
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Google Nexus S isnt the only one running Gingerbread any more, courtesy of supercurio over on the xda-developers forum, who has ported the hot new phone's Android 2.3 install over to its Samsung forefather, the Galaxy S. The port is described as being unmodified from the Nexus S original, although quite a few basic functions like voice, WiFi, and GPS aren't yet operational.
supercurio Galaxy S runningNexus S kernel and gingerbread switch off animation