Artificial Intelligence is the study of techniques, particularly computer systems, the research of which was originally done to benefit human endeavor. A more recent term to describe artificial intelligence is ‘artificial intelligence architecture’, but the more important idea of artificial intelligence is its application in current research and industry.
There are many applications of artificial intelligence. These applications range from tasks required by humans to those which are completely automated. There have been many benefits of artificial intelligence in business and society.
Why Artificial Intelligence is Important in Business?
Businesses have a wide variety of needs to be successful. Some are basic needs for data analysis and decision support, whereas others require advanced technologies (e.g. computer vision and speech recognition). In all cases, business owners are dealing with large amounts of data, often with very limited storage and/or bandwidth.
Why Artificial Intelligence and Its Uses Are Important to A Business?
Data is obviously an essential aspect. With the rising number of companies and people working from home, companies need to find creative ways to work with these individuals. Through a dedicated artificial intelligence team, a business can gain access to data not easily obtained through other means.
The development of intelligent decision-making technologies is also important in many sectors, such as banking, finance, travel, manufacturing, telecommunication, medicine, etc., where data access and analysis are vital.
Is it Possible to Make Decisions Using Machine Intelligence?
Yes. Today, researchers are developing artificial intelligence algorithms that make decisions on their own. They analyze large amounts of data, from video games to corporate training videos, and make decisions based on the results. Video game developers are using deep learning to make games more fun and realistic.
Are There Other Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace?
It’s definitely true that data analytics can Improve Workplace Productivity. This means that businesses can gain a competitive advantage by collecting, properly analyzing, and using big data analytics. Imagine being able to save money on labor costs or salespeople’s salaries! China is definitely making headway in terms of workforce development through artificial intelligence, but the U.S. has lagged behind.
However, while China is a leader in artificial intelligence and research, the U.S. lags behind in tools and technology. It would be unfortunate if the U.S. were to lag even further. It would certainly cost American businesses a tremendous amount of potential growth and development resources, not to mention our nation’s security. Therefore, the time is ripe for the U.S. to catch up and become a world leader in this emerging, yet important field.
How will Artificial Intelligence Impact Our Future Society?
Well, Ray Kurzweil states; “Machines will soon know not only how to walk, talk, understand speech, understand natural language, recognize objects, and carry out their responsibilities on Earth, but they will also know how to love, hate, fear, love, be mad, be happy, be sick, and do nearly anything we can think or do.” And what about artificial intelligence in medicine? Kurzweil believes that within a decade human medicine will have completely healed itself through artificial intelligence; for instance; “one day a pill will be able to diagnose a disease based on images captured by a cell-tissue microscope.” He further predicts that within ten years “artificial intelligence will be a prerequisite for a life-saving surgery.”
However, Ray Kurzweil is not the only voice among artificial intelligence thinkers. Richard Dawkins has recently written an article entitled Super-Intelligent AI Systems does Not Have Narrow Aims. He argues that although artificial intelligence may become sophisticated enough to share the intelligence of its programmers with its programmers, it will not be able to have any emotions or aspirations. Thus it could never choose to kill humans in order to protect itself or another human being.
However, even if the artificial intelligence was built with rudimentary emotions it would still have trouble defending itself from its enemies. It may have an offensive capability, but it will not be able to put up a fight against its enemies. Similarly, the future of artificial intelligence will be defined by its creators using both human brains and artificial intelligence to program it to function in a particular manner.
Deep Learning of AI Applications:
In the past, the developers of computer programs used machine learning in the form of deep learning artificial intelligence applications to build artificial intelligence. Today the developers use deep learning artificial intelligence applications to train their artificial intelligence systems for specific purposes such as military tasks. The type of tasks they are teaching these AI computer programs are ones that humans can never do.
Machine learning and deep learning are two different things and despite being similar in many ways they are also different in a few ways. One of the biggest differences is that humans can use natural languages whereas artificial intelligence systems cannot. They are also two different fields of study altogether. There is a lot more work to be done in order to fully utilize artificial intelligence and create better artificially intelligent machines. However, if we were to utilize all the existing artificial intelligence software that is available today, we will have created a machine that is smarter than all the humans combined.