What are 5 Best e-Commerce WordPress Plugins?

E-commerce is rolling on a high as 2015 kicks off. Total online sales have seen a jump of almost 40% as compared to last year. Its the perfect time to tweak your site with these 5 best e-commerce WordPress plugins.

Online payments and shopping has becoming a notable trend in 2015 and is speculated to take a further high as more digital touch points are introduced to users. Alongside, wearable technologies are enabling users to shop online while on the go. Hence it is becoming extremely important for businesses to make themselves ready for the future. Here is a list of top 5 e-commerce WordPress plugins you may install to bootstrap yourself:

WordPress Plugins

5. WP e-commerce plugin

With almost 1.5 million installs so far, WP e-commerce plugin is a popular plugin for most of the site on WordPress sites supporting online businesses.

4. W0ocommerce plugin

Offering multiple payment methods and extensions,  Woocommerce plugin for WordPress ranks at number 4 on our list of top 5 best e-commerce plugins for WordPress sites.

3. JigoShop e-commerce plugin for WordPress

If you are looking for something easy to setup in the your site as well as easy to use for the end-user, JigoShop e-commerce plugin for WordPress is what you would want to install right away. With extensive online support and features that most of the other plugins do not offer, JigoShop is great plugin for e-commerce WordPress sites.

2. Eshop plugin

Not only the Eshop plugin for WordPress offers built in payment methods, but also allows the administrator to setup their product catalog in a convenient way. Eshop plugin is a complete package for users having their e-commerce site setup on WordPress.

1. Cart66 Lite

Among the best e-commerce plugins for WrodPress, Cart 66 Lite tops our list – and there are few reasons for it. First being, it is the easiest e-commerce plugin to setup for your WordPress site. It allows users to choose from a wide range of payment gateways and provides intelligent reporting for your store front.

There might be other e-commerce WordPress plugins that are equally good, but have not made to this list due to criteria we had already site. Nonetheless, don’t forget to share them with us!